Sunday, 18 May 2008


I am finally back after a long break.
Kitchri a truelly ancient dish, it is a mixture of split unhulled mung beans and rice. Ibn Battuta, the Arab traveller in the 14th Century, described it as "the munj (ming) is boiled with rice, and then buttered and eaten. This is what they call kishri." Afanasy Nikitin (15th Century), a Russian merchant also mentions it in this writing.

We make two kinds kitchris, lussie kitchri and chuti or bhuni kitchri. Lussie kitchri is creamy like rissoto, whereas chuti kitchri is fluffy with separate grains. I also make kedgeree, an Anglo-Indian breakfast dish, which is kitchri with the lentils replaced by smoked fish.

Here are the recipes for
  1. Kitchri
  2. Chuti Kitchri
  3. Kedgeree

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