Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Awards and MEME


Recently I was nominated by Zusana of Zlamushka’s Spice Kitchen and Richa of As Dear As Salt for Rockin' Girl Blogger

Who knew I rocked?!? Thank you girls for thinking of me.

As I got this award from two different people, I can nominate 10 bloggers!!






Kelly Mahoney





All the above are constantly encouraging me by commenting on my blog. Thank you. You all Rock!!


I always thought MEME meant “me me”, all about me. Anyway I looked it up on wiki and it means “A meme, (IPA: /mi:m/) as defined within memetic theory, comprises a unit of cultural information, the building block of cultural evolution or diffusion that propagates from one mind to another analogously to the way in which a gene propagates from one organism to another as a unit of genetic information and of biological evolution.[1] Multiple memes may propagate as cooperative groups called memeplexes (meme complexes). ….” A MEME Tag according to Wiki is “is a blog tag that is included in all posts that reference a meme. When a meme is started on a blog — for example, 'your top five favourite movies' — the meme tag is included at the foot of the text of each post that responds to the meme invitation. By including a memetag, bloggers are recognising the initial creator of the meme and allowing them to track how their meme has spread across the blogosphere through the use of social media tools such as Technorati.”

Any way, I have been tagged for this MEME by Sirisha of Ambrosia....Indian indulgances and

The rules are as follows (straight out of Sirisha’s blog).

You have to post these rules before you give the facts.

* Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.

* When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.

* At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.

Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

As I don’t have a middle name, I am choosing the first part of my nephews name – Pyar which means love. Pyarali is emigrating to Australia with his parents, I am so going to miss him and this brother Sean.

Sean and Pyarali

P is for Painting, both watercolour and mixed media are my passion, recently I have neglected my art. My sister Pari, got me into painting, she gave me some watercolours 15 years ago, so Thank you P.

This meme is to get me back into painting. I recently had my house extended ie My loft converted into a large studio, so I should be painting like mad shouldn’t I?

Y is for All of YOU who read my blog, comment on it and try my recipes. I love cooking, and entertaining.

A is for Airplane – another thing I love to do is travel, one of my best travels was the first time I went to China, about 3 years ago, when I got to travel by train (my best mode of travel) a lot. We took the train from Beijing to Shanghai to Nanjing. Then travelled up the Yangtze river in a cruise boat eventually reaching Xian. Great trip. I went to China again last year this time; the south, and also went to Singapore, Kuala Lampur, Jakarta and Cambodia, if that was not enough I also went to Switzerland, Ireland, Portugal and Italy. This year so far I have travelled to Toronto, Edmonton, Montreal, Boston and Maine. Later this year I may go to St Petersburg in Russia and to Dubai in UAE. My travel is both through my work and for leisure. I am a scientist and at least once a year I present my work at conferences and meetings

R is for reading, I am an avid reader.

Reading now: Red Dust by Ma Jian, this was a gift from Anja. Thank you Anja, I love it.

Last read; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling

Next to be read: Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

I would like to tag.

Aly of A Treat a Week

Lia of Spices Corner

Padma of Padma’s Kitchen

Rajita of Hunger Pangs

Zusana of Zlamushka’s Spice Kitchen

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