Monday, 15 October 2007

Sunday breakfast with a cup o' joe

Voting taking place now, take a look at Jugalbundi Click

When I was little, we only used to get eggs in school holidays or Sundays. We would to sing “Rujah mujah, mayai khenji mujah!” Which means something like: It’s holidays, fun-days, how great it is, we get to eat eggs. Apart from mayai which means eggs in Swahilli, the rest of the rhyme is in kuctchi. We lived in an extended family group; my four brothers and sisters and my four cousins and I used to sit round in a circle, on low stools called patla, and be fed egg and paratha by my Mom or my Aunts. One mouthful at a time each per round of 9 open mouths. The eggs were so tasty in those days, they were the amazing days, time for bonding for us siblings and cousins. When we got older we got an egg each! I remember eating the egg white first with my puris or paratha and saving the yolk till the end.
Anyway, I still have eggs only on Sundays or holidays. This is last Sunday’s breakfast. “Mayai ne mani” or eggs and chapattis.
This is my entry for Bee and Jai’s Click event

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